Alger Pugh
The Alger Pugh Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of George Washington High School Football Coach, Mr. Alger Pugh. The scholarship is given each year to deserving G.W. High School athletes. Alger Pugh coached football from 1964 until his retirement in...
Andy Warren
The Andy Warren Scholarship was established in memory of George Washington High School Football Coach, Mr. Andy Warren. The scholarship is awarded each year to deserving athletes from George Washington High School. Andy Warren graduated from George Washington High...
Arnold B. Porter & Elizabeth J. Porter
The Arnold B. Porter & Elizabeth J. Porter Scholarship was established in 2008 for students who are members of Fairview United Methodist Church and demonstrate a need for financial aid. The Porters were members of Fairview United Methodist Church and owners of...
The Bennett-Bushnell-Jones-Kaufman Scholarship was established in 2008 to honor the memory of Betty Jones Bennett, Helen Lucile Neathery Bushnell, Julie and Miranda Jones, and Julius Kaufman. The scholarship provides scholarships to nursing students at Danville...
Bernard C. Calvert
The Bernard C. Calvert Scholarship was established in 2004 in memory of Bernard C. Calvert by the Brosville Council #51 of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics. Mr. Calvert was a member and a State Councilman of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics....
Caswell County Public Schools
The Caswell County Schools Scholarship was established in 2021 by Caswell County Public Schools. The scholarship benefits Bartlett Yancey Senior High School graduating seniors entering the field of education, who are residents of Caswell County, who have...
Caswell Family Medical Center
The Tricia’s Nursing Memorial Scholarship was established in 2020 by Caswell Family Medical Center in memory of Patricia Harris Towler. Tricia was a Registered Nurse who was passionate about her life’s calling and was dedicated to her patients and her job. This...
Danville Academic Boosters
The Danville Academic Boosters Scholarship was transferred to The Community Foundation from the Danville Academic Boosters in 2003. The scholarship is given each year to the top 5 academic students from Danville Public Schools.
Danville Lions Foundation
The Danville Lions Foundation Scholarship was established in 2016. This scholarship is for Danville, Pittsylvania, or Caswell County graduates who are pursuing a health-related profession, with a preference for those in a graduate level of study, especially those...
Danville Regional Medical Center Auxiliary/Volunteers
The Danville Regional Medical Center Auxiliary/Volunteers Scholarship was established in 2008 for Danville Regional Medical Center (now known as SOVAH Health) employees, volunteers and their immediate families, who are studying in a medical field.
Deputy Frankie Lynn Betterton
Dorinda Yeatts created the Deputy Frankie Lynn Betterton Scholarship in 2012 in memory of her brother, Frankie, a Pittsylvania County Sheriff Deputy who was killed on the job during a traffic stop on May 17, 2002, at the age of 43. The fund awards scholarships to...
Diane Marie Gross
The Diane Marie Gross Scholarship was established in 2013 in memory of Diane Marie Gross by her mother, Inara Dodson. Diane was tragically killed in an automobile accident at the young age of 16. The scholarship is for Danville graduates attending Washington and Lee...
Doug and Mickey Hayes
The Douglas Sager Hayes and Mildred “Mickey” Hayes Scholarship was established in 2013 to provide scholarships for Danville-Pittsylvania graduates studying art. “Mickey” Hayes was a well-known artist who loved painting and sharing her gifted ability. She loved...
Dr. Albert Payne and Mrs. Sandra Payne
The Tunstall Academic Boosters Scholarship was transferred to The Community Foundation in 2017 by Dr. Albert Payne and Mrs. Sandra Payne. The scholarship benefits top students graduating from Tunstall High School.
Dr. Elizabeth Compton
The Frank, Mary, and Ray Compton Scholarship was established in 2007 by Dr. Elizabeth Compton in memory of her parents and brother. The scholarship benefits Pittsylvania County graduates who have demonstrated a devotion to academics, or are otherwise talented, and...

Dr. John R. and Betty B. Eggleston
For more than 33 years, Dr. John R. and Betty B. Eggleston devoted their lives to the children of the Danville area. Dr. Eggleston, who served in the South Pacific during World War II and studied in Baltimore, St. Louis, and London, set a new standard for medical...
Dr. Paul Grekos
The George A. Grekos Scholarship was established in 2019 by Dr. Paul Grekos, shortly after the tragic death of his son. George was an honor graduate of Chatham High School and was a junior at Christopher Newport University. This scholarship is for...
Eileen and Joseph Stendig
The Eileen and Joseph Stendig Scholarship was established by Mr. and Mrs. Stendig in 2005 to assist deserving Danville Public School students.
Elizabeth Whitlow Reith Price
The Elizabeth Whitlow Reith Price R.N. Whitlow Family Nursing Scholarship was established in 2016 to support Bartlett Yancey High School graduates who are pursuing nursing or health-related professions at an associate, bachelor, or graduate degree level. The...
Eliza Patterson Hines
The Eliza Patterson Hines Memorial Scholarship was established in 2014 to support local graduates pursuing a career in teaching, preferably in grades 1-7. Eliza Patterson Hines was born in 1917 in Pittsylvania County, where she lived with her five sisters and two...
Fairview United Methodist Church
The Fairview United Methodist Church Scholarship was established in 2017 by Fairview United Methodist Church. This scholarship represents the merger of three different scholarships (the United Methodist Women Scholarship, the Cox-Hardy Scholarship, and the Edna Davis...
Florence P. Wagner and Jennie Lee Wagner
The Florence P. Wagner and Jennie Lee Wagner Scholarship was established in 2008 to benefit Pittsylvania County High School graduates.
Frances Hallam Hurt
The John L. Hurt, Jr. Scholarship was established by Mrs. Frances Hallam Hurt to support students of Gretna High School, with a preference given to students who attended John L. Hurt, Jr. Elementary School. Major John L. Hurt, the great-uncle of Mrs. Hurt’s husband,...
Gail and Walter Gunn
The Gail and Walter Gunn Scholarship was established in 2015. The scholarship is for local African American students with a preference for those studying business or with an entrepreneurial interest. The Gunn’s believe in giving back to the community through their...
Garnette Riddle Francis
Mrs. Garnett Francis, a retired Pittsylvania County teacher, established the Riddle-Francis Scholarship in 2005. The scholarship benefits Pittsylvania County Public Schools graduates, with a preference for Tunstall or Dan River students. Mrs. Francis graduated from...
George Earl Dabbs
The Lawrence R. Dabbs Scholarship was established in 2017 by the estate of George Earl Dabbs to create an endowed scholarship fund to benefit Caswell County high school graduates. George Earl Dabbs wanted the scholarship to be created in memory of his brother,...
Gordon Plumblee
The Plumblee Scholarship was transferred to The Community Foundation in 2019 from The Caswell County Board of Education. The scholarship was originally established by Millard Quentin Plumblee and Elizabeth Chandler Plumblee to benefit graduates of Caswell County,...

GW Class of 1957
The G.W. Class of ’57 Scholarship Fund was established with The Community Foundation on November 5, 2007 with a gift of $500. The scholarship was begun in honor of the Class’ 50th reunion and was designated to benefit high school graduates of George Washington High...

Helen K. Gantsoudes
The Gantsoudes Scholarship was established in 2008 by Helen Kanos Gantsoudes. Helen’s commitment to the Danville community and to the importance of higher education for all children led her to provide for a scholarship fund for GW students attending school in...
Irene L. Pritchett
The Irene L. Pritchett Scholarship was established by Mrs. Pritchett to benefit deserving African American students. A tobacco factory worker at P. Lorillard for decades, Irene L. Pritchett believed in a better tomorrow for Black children through higher education....