Percy and Velna Scearce
The Percy and Velna Scearce Scholarship was established by Moffett Memorial Baptist Church in 2000 in memory of Percy and Velna Scearce. Scholarships are awarded to graduates in Danville, Pittsylvania and Caswell County who actively support their religious convictions, are academically merited, and have financial need. Both Velna and Percy Scearce believed strongly in the value of education and the importance of encouraging young people to reach their potential in all areas of life. They demonstrated this by providing educational opportunities for their children and grandchildren and by being positive influences in the lives of numerous other young people in the community and especially at the Hughes Memorial Home.
Velna Barker Scearce received her advanced education at Harrisonburg State Teachers College (now James Madison University) and taught in the public schools of Danville for several years until her children became the focus of her teaching and mentoring. She was an active member and classroom teacher at Moffett Memorial Baptist Church – teaching classes for youth and adults for more than 35 years.
Percy Scearce was a well-known and active businessman in the Danville community for many years. He began his employment in 1930 as an accountant with Smith Douglass, Inc. He continued his employment there – becoming the Manager of the Danville Branch of the Borden Chemical Company (previously Smith Douglass) fertilizer plant until he retired in 1972. His many active roles in the Danville business community included 29 years as a member of the Board of Directors of American National Bank, a member of the Danville Industrial Development, Inc., and the Danville Lions Club. He was an active member of Moffett Memorial Baptist Church serving on the Board of Deacons and Chairman of the Church Finance Committee. He was a member of the Board of Trustees of Hargrave Military Academy and the Virginia Baptist Home for the Aged. In addition, he served as a member of the Danville City Zoning Board of Appeals and the City Planning Commission. He was elected to and served on the Danville City Council.
Both of the Scearces and their two children were born, raised, and educated in Danville – all graduating from Danville’s George Washington High School. They each received advanced and/or continuing education at nearby area colleges and universities.